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Athletic result statistics


Calculation of points & results according to selected World Athletics scoring tables. Lost of statistical reports.
Výpočet bodov & výkonov podľa vybraných bodovacích tabuliek World Athletics. Mnoho štatistických zostáv.

 current version
(zipped excel file DecathlonCalc.xlsm - approx. 32 MB)

*    OUTDOOR  calculators  - calculation of points (result) of multi-combat events for input result (points)
(complete set of decathlon scoring tables from 1912 - tab. 1912, tab. 1920, tab. 1934, tab. 1950, tab. 1962_1/10, tab. 1962_1/100, tab. 1985 - current)

*    INDOOR  calculators  - calculation of points (result) of heptathlon events for input result (points)

World competitions

Results and statistics from  European & World Athletics  (men, juniors, youths)
Výsledky a štatistiky zo súťaží  European & World Athletics  (muži, juniori, kadeti)

*    Competitions  "outdoor"  - result statistics from outdoor competitions (EC, WC, OG, ...)

*    Competitions  "indoor"  - result statistics from indoor competitions (EC, WC, ...)

Annual world lists

Statistics from annual world lists World Athletics  (men, juniors, youths) - input data: (Janek Salmistu) & (Richard Hymans)
Štatistiky z ročeniek viacbojov World Athletics  (muži, juniori, kadeti) - vstupné údaje: (Janek Salmistu) & (Richard Hymans)

*   Annual world lists - multi-combat
     Annual world lists + details + statistics + charts

*   Annual world lists - events multi-combat
     Multi-combats from annual world lists + details + statistics + charts

Athlete statistics

Summary of sports results and rankings in the annual world lists from World Athletics multi-combats (men, juniors, youths)
Sumarizácia športových výsledkov a poradí v ročných svetových tabuľkách z viacbojov World Athletics  (muži, juniori, kadeti)

*   Athlete - search and summarization of results
     Find an athlete by known ID or by a string of first and last names